David Tlale is no doubt a fashion icon! His presentation at the first fashionpreneur summit which held last Saturday was true testimony of his authority, influence and vast knowledge on fashion. If you were in attendance, it’s impossible that you left the same. The renowned designer tackled a lot of things; from the power of our identity as Africans to the relevance of influencers and also his inspiring journey when he quit his auditing degree to study fashion.
Here is a collection of 30 quotes from the presentation that will make a you a better creative.
- Everybody is slaying, I don’t know what they’re slaying.
- We’re being lazy. We’re partying all night. We’re slaying. Slaying who? Ourselves.
- In the days we live in, every body wants to become an influencer. Who are you influencing? When you’re failing to influence yourself?

- I inspired you to become who you are, today you come and tell me you want to be an influencer for my brand! What have you done? Oh I have like 250 followers on Instagram. Ok, I have 165k followers, and some of them aren’t even my clients. How are you going to influence?
- You’re African, embrace who you are and stay true to it. Instagram won’t change the game for you.
- “I want to be an influencer for your brand.” Baby girl, tell me one thing, what item from David Tlale do you posses in your wardrobe?” She’s like, “I don’t. I’ll start wearing your clothes and post!” I’m like “no no, you’re telling people and the world lies that you can afford me.”
- Celebrities; I love them. They are fantastic in their own right, but not in my world.

- I don’t get today’s public figures. Just because they were on TV as an extra where they just passed by during the episode. Now they feel like they are entitled to be dressed.
- What is the guarantee that if anybody sees you in my dress, they’re going to want it. All they’re going to get is 1000 likes, and here I am screwed for years.
- Celebrities who have a sense of entitlement, Listen baby girl, you think you’re entitled to have a David Tlale dress? Tell me, have you ever bought anything from me? No! Why must you lie to the world that you can afford me when you can’t?
- Tell me a fabric store that’s going to give you fabric for free because you’re going to make a dress for Sheebah.
- You want a David Tlale dress, you buy it. You can’t, you hire it. If you can’t do any of the two, it means me and you can’t be in the same room. Simple and straight forward!

- Brands want to be associated with fashion. They’ll have budget for; hair and makeup, models, the DJ, food, waiters and everybody else, but for the designers. They’re like, “no we’re going to expose your brand.” And then what?
- I don’t need exposure. I need you to support me and see me grow.
- I told my mother, I’m not going back to school because I’m done with auditing. She was like “Are you mad?” And, I said “Yes I am, because I found my self. I met David finally!”
- Bless the souls of our parents because they don’t know much. All they know is how they were raised and how things were supposed to be then, and still is until today.
- My mother said, “I’m not going to have a son that’s making clothes.” And, I said, “let me prove it to you.”
- Love and embrace who you are. Not all of us are called to be lawyers doctors and auditors. Some of us are meant to be creatives.

- Only employ people who believe in your madness.
- You’re only as good as your last collection.
- If I fall down and die now, you’re going to remember my teachings. What is Africa going to remember you for?
- You want to be me? You can’t. I’m already here. Fashion is not fabulous, it’s hard work. But, I make it fabulous. And one thing is, I don’t fake it.
- You can’t wake up, no strategy, no plan and say I’m just making clothes.
- As an entrepreneur you must have a spiritual base. Doesn’t matter if you’re Muslim, christian. As long as you believe in one God.

- Specialize and find what you’re good at, then work on it. I have been doing this for 16 years and it’s only now that I feel that I have a strong brand. I have defined my customers, I have defined my product. Don’t be all over the place.
- If you want to be successful in the fashion industry you have to be patient, there is nothing like overnight success. Perfection takes time.
- If you can’t make a basic corset, say it loud “I don’t deserve a place in the fashion industry!”
- You can’t say you’re broke and have no money, when you have data. Use it.
- You’re African. You’re young, you’re energetic, you’ve got a lot of potential. You can change the game.
- You can’t wake up, fetch pictures from internet to make a dress, and then you call yourself a fashion designer.

After the presentation, budding designers got photo opportunities with him as if to get a piece of his genius.

Photos by Hannyz Photography (0784058026)