What makes you happy? What are some things that make you truly smile from your soul? Many align happiness with people or things outside of themselves, but happiness starts within. Remember, if you are not happy, it doesn’t matter who you are with or what you have, it will never be enough. Go in and find the goodness and happiness within you that is waiting to come to light. Here are 10 ways to create happiness:
1. Turn down the noise: We have so many distractions in life. With TV, radio, social media, and email, it is good to unplug if you can and really tap into your inner self to get aligned with yourself.
2. Pray and meditate: The universe knows what you need and want, ask and be prepared to get it. Once you ask, do you part. It may not come in the way you expected or wanted but it is all aligned for a greater good. Also understand, if you don’t get what you want, there is protection surrounding you.
3. Seek gratitude: If you feel the world is unfair to you look around and see how you are treating the things around you. Be grateful for everything that you have at this moment.
4. Know you are worth it:You were placed here and chosen for a specific reason. Find your purpose and let you light shine. Please don’t let your job title, person, and/or past disappointments determine your worth. “I am” is the most powerful statement you can make. Keep your “I am” statement powerful.
5. Stop comparing yourself to others: Before you talk about someone or wish your life was like theirs, try walking in their shoes for a day.
7. Practice self-care: You can’t help anyone else fully and selflessly unless you know how to help yourself. Do things that will cultivate your wellness and continuous healing. Don’t be afraid to treat yourself.
8. Scare yourself: How do you know what you are made of until you challenge yourself?
9. Let go of what no longer serves you: If it doesn’t fulfill you, let it go. Life is too short to hold on to things that are not aligned with your miraculous self and amazing future.
10. Serve others: Helping others helps you in many ways.
Source: Black Enterprise