Health in Your '30s

Uncertain Times Are Upon Us; How Can We Stay sane?

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You’ve turned 30, about to, or have been on this third floor for a while, and things are overwhelming. You’re freaking out a little bit. House, work, lifelong goals, kids, money, partner, parents, extended family etc.

On top of that, you’re constantly being sold to: The best mortgage on the market, the best school for your children, the best places to party, the best clothes, but no credible source is telling you the best way to keep healthy. At best you are following fad diets and subscribing to gyms.

This is why, For Food’s Sake Eat together with SatisfashionUG and a few medical doctors, have come up with this series focused on how to help you keep on top of your health now that you’re on the third floor of your life. We shall get advice on dental health, heart health, skin and more. This of course includes what to eat because food and health go hand in hand.

Given that it is Mental Health awareness month, we’re starting this off off with advice from a psychologist on how to cope in a period when some of our careers are on the line.

QN: We are headed into a period of uncertainty; no money, people have lost jobs… how can we stay sane?

Yvonne Zabu is a clinical psychologist and a Director at Wellness psychological services, a team of Ugandan psychologists who are making mental health management a priority.

Follow their Facebook series on coping with lockdown and the pandemic.

READ ALSO:  What to Eat to Maintain a Healthy Heart!

This series is a collaboration between Satisfashion UG and